Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History


Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History

Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History Palestine war / first Middle East War Years, but Arab countries rebounded to Israel's independence attacked Eliminated. Arab countries monarchy has become both the opportunity to fall. Confrontation of Israel and the Arab countries will continue thereafter. Continued from the early 20th century, Palestine is a conflict between what happened Arabs from Palestine immigration of Jewish problem is, after the Second World War, it became the first case of the first international dispute arbitration by the United Nations, although the Palestinian division proposal which was a mediation proposal is to Jews was accepted, received the repulsion of the Arab side, has finally become a war. In the Cold War of the Second World War, but United States and the Soviet Union had been carefully avoiding exercise direct military force while confrontation, the first regional war after the war became to blow the first fire in the aspect of ethnic conflict.

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