Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History


The first as soon as the next Middle East war

Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History The first as soon as the next Middle East war This time, you will learn about [Middle East war. Point One of the eye is the [first as soon as the next Middle East war. Palestinian division proposed by the United Nations Become the scene of the Middle East war, it is the Palestinian Territories, which was once placed under the British Mandate. This place is home to Arabs and Jews. 'S the area where Muslims and Jews are mixed. When the British Mandate ends after the Second World War, or to handle if the Palestinian areas where ethnic groups are mixed, a problem that has occurred. Therefore, the United Nations announced a Palestine divided draft, was the proposal that share the Palestine Arabs and Jews. The next Middle East war | Arab countries League vs Israel At the time, about a minute of the Palestinian population of the Arab people, a fraction was the Jewish people. Towards the Arabs it is why people there were many. However, was supposed to be more than half of Palestine is divided into Jews in the Proposed Separation.

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